Friday, April 24, 2009

Holidays Homework - Class IX

Class IX

English Holidays Homework (session 2009-10)

1. Prepare one personality card. This card should be about any poet/ writer from your literature reader. You can use the following points.
a) Name
b) Place of birth
c) Names of some books written
d) Type of stories of poems written
e) Any awards won

You can use the links mentioned in your literature reader.

2. Write an imaginary interview with the poet/ writer you have written about ask him/her at least eight questions related to his life.

3. Work book- Do units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 in the book itself.

4. Prepare any two dishes and write their recip es in passive Voice. Use (I + Past participle; should be + past participle)

5. Main course Book – Two, units- ‘Adventure’ and ‘Children’ to be read and exercises to be done in the book itself.

Physics Holidays Homework

1. Make a short note on ‘JOURNEY OF LIFE’ of given scientists : Issac Newton Archimedes

2. Plan to go to a place by an vehicle. Take readings of odometer and speedometer after every 5 minutes till you reach your destination. Record these observations in tabular form ; plot graphs between distance-time and speed time. State whether this motion is uniform or non-uniform.

3. Make a short project report (with pictures) on following: a) Hearing Aid (its basic construction, principle and how it is beneficial to people having hearing disorder?) b) Ultrasonography (basic principle behind this technique and its uses). Visit any Diagnostic Centre near your home for details. c) Visit National Science Centre, Delhi (near Pragati Maidan) and list 5 models based on Force and Laws of Motion. Your may use Wikipedia for more information on these topics.


Chapter- Matter in our Surroundings
1. Define matter. What are the two ways of classification of matter?
2. What is the effect of temperature on particle motion?
3. Define diffusion. Why diffusion is greater in gases and not in solids?
4. Among the three states of matter, which has minimum inter particle spaces?
5. A substance has neither definite shape nor definite volume. What does its physical state represent?
6. What is the physical state of water at 100C?
7. Why does a gas fill the entire available space?
8. Why gases are compressed but not liquids? Explain.
9. Write the full names of 1) LPG ii) CNG
10. What are two different ways by which we can bring about the change of state? 11. Define latent heat of fusion.
12. What is the significant of the melting point temperature?
13. A) Give the relation between Fahrenheit scale and Celsius scale
14. The room temperature on Celsius scale is 250C. Convert it into the other two scales of measurement.
15. The body temperature of a normal and healthy person is 98.40F. What is the temperature on the Celsius scale?
16. Define latent heat of vaporization. What is the effect of disease in temperature on the physical state of matter?
17. Define sublimation. Give at least 2 examples of substance which undergo sublimation.
18. Does the temperature of a solid change when it starts melting?
19. Are the melting point temperature of solid and the freezing point of temperature of liquid same or different.
20. A solids melts at 200C. Convert this temperature into Kelvin temperature.
21. Convert the following temperature at Kelvin scale- 1) 300C 2) 2730c
22. Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale. a) 200 K b) 450 K
23. The melting points of two solids A and B are 300K and 350 K respectively. Which has more inter particles forces?
24. A rubber band changes its shape when stretched. Can it be regarded as solid?
25. What are the factors which are responsible for bringing a change in the physical state of a substance? 26. Explain why there is no rise in temperature of a substance when it undergoes a change of state although it is still being heated.
27. Why are gases highly compressible?
28. Does the temperature of liquid increase further when it starts boiling?
29. Why do we sweat more on a humid day?
30. The latent heat of vaporization of steam is more than that of the boiling water. Explain.
31. A substance ‘X’ was highly compressible and could be easily liquefied. It could also take up the shape of any container. Predict the nature of the substance and write four properties of this state of matter.


1. Prepare five riddles about any five organelles that are found in the cell.
Here is an example:
For getting energy, this organelle is the key
It has chemical reactions that produce ATP
Answer: mitochondrion

2. Prepare a model of plant cell/animal cell. The model should not exceed a size of 12’’ by 18’’. It can be made in groups (maximum- 3 students per group). · Do not use plastic / thermocol for making the model. · The model should be interactive i.e. can be in the form of a puzzle, or, in the form where if an organelle part is moved, the function is visible. ·
Make good use of your imagination.
Prepare a scrap book/ video/ Power Point Presentation of a biological phenomenon: (Examples – biogeochemical cycles, working of cell organelles, types of tissues, diversity in plant kingdom, diversity in animal kingdom, vertebrates, acute diseases, chronic diseases, inflammation, vaccinations- past and present etc.)

Class IX
Social Sc. Holidays Homework

1. Students are required to prepare two projects on the following topics:-
1. Disaster Management
2. Cricket
Disaster Management Following Topics can be taken:-
a) Components of disaster Management
b) Specific Hazards & Mitigation
I. Earthquake
II. Landslides
III. Floods
IV. Cydones
V. Drought
VI. Fires
VII. Road, Rail & Air Traffic Accidents
VIII. Terrorist attacks, Chemical & Industrial Accidents
IX. Epidemics

a) Historical Development of Cricket
b) Origin of Indian Cricket
c) Cricket clubs in India
d) Cricket on Communal & racial lives
e) Modern Transformation of the game
f) Cricket & Media
g) One-day Internationals

Instructions for the Projects
1. The project report should be handwritten by the students.
2. The project or models should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.
3. It should cenprise of not more than 15-20 foolscape pages.
4. One picture can be drawn by hand.
5. Paste all the relevant pictures.

Q.2 Assignment Geography

Chapter 1 India size & location
1. Give longitude & latitudinal extent of India.
2. Name the latitude that divides India into almost two equal helper.
3. Name the islands lying in Arabian sea& Bay of Bengal
4. In which hemisphere does India lie?
5. Name the southernmost point of Indian union? Where does it lie?
6. Name the northernmost & southernmost point of Indian Mainland. Name the shapes as well.
7. What is the stretch of India (in Kms) a) West –East b) North – South
8. Name the place situated on 3 seas.
9. Name the canal that shortened the distance between India & Europe.
10. Name the strait that separates India form Sri Lanka.
11. How many states & Union territories does India have?
12. Name the largest & smallest state area wise.
13. Name the states through which tropic of cancer passes.
14. Name the union territories on eastern & western coast.
15. Name the states which do not have an international border or lie on the coast.
16. Name the neighboring countries of India with their capitals.
17. Name the states through which the standard Meridian passes.
18. Name the Eastern most, western most, northern most & southern most states.

Q.3 On the outline map of India. Mark the following.
1. All the states with their capitals
2. Union territories
3. Equator
4. Standard Meridian of India
5. North-South Extent in Kms. 6. East West Extent in Kms.

DEUTSCH (German)


1. Nehmen Sie ein Heft. In diesem Heft schreiben Sie alle Nomen, die Sie kennen, in alphabetischer Ordnung. Schreiben Sie auch die Artikeln und die Pluralfprmen.

2. Jede Gruppe macht eine Präsentation über eines der folgenden Themen-
1. Köperteile
2. Farben
3. Kleidung.
4. Möbel
5. Artikeln
6.Verben (regelmäβige verben / unregelmäβige verben)
7. Essen

3. Wir modul 1 – Lektion 1-4 Workbook

Mathematics Class IX

Ix Sanskrit

IX Hindi

CLASS-IX Comp. Sc.

Make a website having home page and three web pages. Paste the printout of the WebPages in the note book.
Topics for website are (choose any one):
- Electronic waste
- Global warming
- Futuristic trends in information technology.

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